AB Företagsutveckling - Our development company

We strive to be well prepared, and we do this through our company AB Företagsutveckling in Lund. In Företagsutveckling we look into the future, develop plans and methods and keep abreast of job market trends. We do this in order for Sandson AB to be at the forefront in the market to help you with your current and future endeavors.


At Företagsutveckling we manage projects financed by external partners such as the European Commission, the European Social Fund and the Swedish Fund for Economic and Regional Growth. Project funded from our own financial resources focus focus on the analysis of the world around us, from the point of view of needs of the job market. We are happy to share the results we obtain from our projects, such as methodology and success factors.

We cooperate with companies and organisations in Sweden and abroad, mostly within the EU. Our collaboration extends to authorities and private organisations, large and small. This variety is dear to us and promotes a wealth of learning and opportunities.

State aid funded project


Project Tillit

Project Tillit

Internships abroad for youth seeking employment

The combination of an internship abroad and our expertise of the Swedish employment market has helped over 200 unemployed young adults find jobs or take up studying. We are proud of this!





A mobility project led by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions

One way to improve youth employability is giving them the opportunity to hold internships in another country. We do this together with a number of local authorities in our region. Do you want to konw more about this?  


EU flag

Your First Eures Job

Your First Eures Job


Are you interested about mobility in the EU job market? Are you a recruiting employer or are you looking for employment in another EU country?


Inhouse projects


The think tank

The think tank

Our own think tank

Are you curious about what the future job market will look like? Do you think about AI and its influence on the recruitment processs in 10 years time?

So do we!

kaffekopp och människor

Focus on accompanying partners of foreign specialists recruited in Sweden

Focus on accompanying partners of foreign specialists recruited in Sweden

Expat Partner Program

Do you as a recruiter find that foreign specialist may be difficult to retain? We know why this may be the case, and we have a solution!